TubeBuddy Review: Is It A Worthwhile Tool? (YouTube SEO)

TubeBuddy Review

Is TubeBuddy a YouTube SEO tool?

Yes, it is! More YouTube marketers and creators, including me, use this tool for their YouTube SEO.

In this blog, lets look at my TubeBuddy review, its tools, features, pricing and much more about it

Let’s break down TubeBuddy.

What Is TubeBuddy?

TubeBuddy is a YouTube SEO tool with a Chrome extension. It offers a free version, and notably, its Chrome extension is extremely helpful.

It connects to your YouTube dashboard and offers tools to enhance your YouTube SEO.

TubeBuddy review: Login page of tubebuddy

Next up is…

Best TubeBuddy Features

I have listed the best features of TubeBuddy for your quick reference.

1. YouTube SEO Tools

These four tools are very helpful, and they’ve helped me a lot. Let’s explore these tools.

  1. Keyword Explorer
  2. Suggested Tags
  3. SEO studio
  4. A/B tests

These tools will aid your YouTube SEO efforts.

Next up is…

2. Tools For Your Productivity

The four tools are designed to increase your productivity for YouTube actions.

Here’s the list of tools:

  1. Thumbnail Generator
  2. Video Topic Planner
  3. Title Generator
  4. Canned Responses

Utilize these tools to accelerate your work.

3. Analytics Features

I have listed the features below.

  1. Search Rank Tracking
  2. Social Monitors
  3. Competitor score analysing
  4. Health report

By now, you should have a good understanding of this tool’s capabilities and uses.

Well, stay with me until the end.

Best Tools Of TubeBuddy

I will list the best tools of TubeBuddy that I find very satisfying.

Tubebuddy review: dashboard and tools of tubebuddy

Let’s explore these tools.

#1. Keyword Explorer

You’re probably familiar with Keyword Explorer, right?

This tool is essential for identifying keywords for YouTube SEO.

The image below displays the Keyword Explorer page.

tubebuddy review : this is the keyword explorer tool in tubebuddy

I typed “Video SEO” as a keyword.

Check out the results in the image below.

tubebuddy review : I typed Keyword 'video seo' and it gives the result

It shows the overall SEO score for this keyword, including search volume, optimization strength, competition level, search results, and monthly search results.

It also displays related topics and searches for your keyword. Pretty cool, right?

Yes, indeed!

Then, the results section will display the top videos for your keywords.

You can see this in the image below.

tubebuddy review : Top videos for my keyword.

I hope you now clearly understand the Keyword Explorer in TubeBuddy.

Check more about Video SEO. So you will get an idea of video SEO.

Check out the latest TubeBuddy Plans Below.

Next up is…

#2. Videolytics

I know you might be wondering what this feature is.

Let me explain: it’s the TubeBuddy Chrome extension.

tubebuddy review : TubeBuddy Chrome extension. You can see your competitor's video or other videos to learn about their YouTube SEO.

With this, you can analyze your competitors’ videos to understand their YouTube SEO strategies.

It displays various metrics, such as total views, comments, likes, ranked tags, SEO score, channel overall views, tags, and your competitor’s overall video optimization.

This can be a game-changer for you. Utilize it to create well-optimized YouTube SEO videos.

#3. Canned Responses

For instance, if you receive many comments, it can be time-consuming to reply, right?

However, this feature allows you to respond quickly and efficiently, which can help grow your channel faster and create a positive impact.

#4. Automatic Translator

This feature helps you reach a global audience by translating your title and description into various languages.

#5. Health Report

This feature displays the performance and health of your YouTube channel.

#6. Thumbnail Generator

A thumbnail is extremely important for your YouTube videos, right?

You might use a different tool for creating thumbnails, and that’s okay!

However, I suggest you try this feature to create your thumbnails quickly.

TubeBuddy Pricing & Plans

Now let’s look at the monthly and annual plans & prices for the TubeBuddy tool.

So, the first picture shows monthly plans and prices.

TubeBuddy review: monthly plans and prices of TubeBuddy

The next image shows the yearly plans and prices. You can also buy for three months.

For that, you will get a flat 20% discount compared to a monthly plan. If you choose the annual plan, you will get a flat 30% discount compared to the monthly plan.

TubeBuddy review: yearly plans and prices of TubeBuddy

Explore Tools Of TubeBuddy With Plans

I have displayed the tools available under the free, pro, and legend plans in the images below. Take a look and choose the ones that best suit your needs.

TubeBuddy Productivity Features:

TubeBuddy review: TubeBuddy productivity tools listed

TubeBuddy Bulk Processing

TubeBuddy review: TubeBuddy bulk processing features listed

TubeBuddy Video SEO

TubeBuddy review: TubeBuddy video SEO features & tools listed

TubeBuddy Promotion

TubeBuddy review: TubeBuddy promotion features  listed

TubeBuddy Data & Research

TubeBuddy review: TubeBuddy Data & Research features & tools listed

TubeBuddy Account Perks

TubeBuddy review: TubeBuddy account perks listed

These are the features and tools in TubeBuddy based on three versions of plans

The Bottom Line: My TubeBuddy Review

Based on my experience, this is the best tool I have ever used for my YouTube SEO.

As I mentioned all the features above, I am extremely satisfied with every feature in TubeBuddy.

It’s an easy-to-use and affordable tool for every content creator and marketer.

I have been using TubeBuddy for a while now and will continue to update this blog with my learnings and experiences.


In conclusion, YouTube videos and video content are booming in this era. Take advantage of this amazing tool.

I suggest you use this tool to enhance your productivity and accelerate your YouTube game.

Are you using TubeBuddy for your YouTube?

If not, give it a try!

Comment below with your thoughts on this tool.

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