Review 2025: AI Writer & SEO Content Optimization Review is a special tool, but is it worth it?

Absolutely, it is valuable for every blogger. I’ve been using it for about 2 years.

It has helped me in many ways with writing my blog and also assists in optimizing my existing content.

In this review, I will share my experience and expertise, revealing every feature step by step, along with examples and proof.

What Is review: login page for frase,io is the latest and smartest AI tool for SEO. Its major features are

  1. Generate Paragraph using AI
  2. Research content for SEO

You might be wondering, What is this, man? Does it only have these two features?

That’s not accurate. Inside, it offers many benefits and has far more features.

Want to dig deep?

Okay, let’s explore the features step-by-step.

How To Use & Its Features

Dashboard of

It’s the dashboard.

Let’s begin by creating a new document or inserting existing content into it.

On the right side, you’ll find an option named New Document. Click on it., new document selection button image

After that, you will see two options: ‘Create new content’ or ‘Optimize existing content.’

Choose any one option that fits your needs. New document options

I will go with the ‘Optimize Existing Content‘ option.

For this option, you should insert your existing blog URL and your target search query.

For instance, I inserted my existing blog about cloud hosting providers in India.

Then, I changed the country and language settings according to my preference. optimizing existing content option

When I click on the ‘Create Document’ option, the document is imported into the tool, as shown in the image below.

example: Existing blog imported page of

1. Research Your Target Keyword

Yes, here is the content. So, the first thing I will do is research my topic.

But before that, I will show you a few features of the research option.

On the right side, there is a research option in your dashboard; click on it.

About reserach option of

There are six options in that: overview, headings, questions, stats, news, and wiki.

Do you have any doubts?

Okay, I will explain it clearly and in detail.

The overview option shows you the number of words, headers, links, and images you have used in your content.

example: it is the overview option in the frase,io

You can identify the average number of words, headers, links, and images your competitor used.

Based on that, you can optimize your content.

It also shows you the top 20 competitors for your target keywords.

Example: Top 20 competitors showed by

The above image illustrates the headings and subheadings that your competitors are using for your targeted keyword.

I like this option very much because the questions option provides many questions that people are searching for related to your keyword in the search engine.

you can see the example in the image below, as I mentioned.

Example: search queries by viewers, in SERP

2. Create an Outline for Your Content

In, you can manually create your heading outline, or AI will generate a heading for you.

First, I will show you how the manual selection of headings works.

Outline option in

Manual selection displays your competitors’ headings, and you can pick headings from your competitors.

Another example of outline option

Not only that, but you can also add headings in your own words.

As I mentioned in the above picture, they provide the ‘Add Custom Header‘ option for this.

The next feature is to generate heading ideas with AI.

Just click on the option, and it automatically generates a heading outline for your target keyword.

I have provided an example in the video below.

here is the video live example of, how AI generate the heading outline for the trageted keyword

Yeah, it’s interesting. It takes only 5 to 8 seconds to generate the outline.

This will significantly reduce the time you spend writing the outline for your blog.

3. Optimize Your Content Using

Listen, it’s crucial to optimize your content to be more competitive and SEO-friendly.

To achieve this, you can use the tool to optimize your content.

On the right side, below the ‘Outline’ option, there is an ‘Optimize’ option. Click that to optimize your content.

I have mentioned this option in the picture below review example: optimize option image

Next up are the three options: Topic score, Competitor, and Heatmap.

example frase,io: showing three options in the optimize section

Why is this useful?

Okay, let me explain the three options, their benefits, and how they help you optimize your content. giving explanation about the yellow line in topic score

The topic score section will show you how optimized your content is compared to that of your competitors.

Do you see a yellow line in the score?

Yes, that’s the average optimization of your competitors for the target keyword.

Additionally, you can customize the options. For instance, if you want to see clusters for your content, you can select the option to view only the clusters., I'm showing the options in the topic score about, long tail, top topics, clusters, titles, headers and blacklist

Not only clusters, but you can also separately view long-tail keywords, top topics, titles, headers, and backlist.

In the picture below, I’ve marked three colors. Do you know what these colors mean?

example what this red, green and yellow colour indicates

Okay, I will tell you what those colors indicate.

The first one is red, which indicates that you are using one word more frequently compared to your competitor.

This can affect your keyword density.

example this image says about, what the red colour indicates in

The next color is yellow. This color indicates that your competitor has used a particular word, let’s say, 8 times, but you have only used it 5 or 6 times.

Therefore, in this aspect, your competitor is one step ahead of you.

example this image says about, what the yellow colour indicates in

The next color is green. This indicates that you have used a word more frequently than your competitor and are one step ahead of them for that keyword or word.

example this image says about, what the green colour indicates in

Wait! There is another color as well, grey.

example this image says about, what the green colour indicates in

This color shows that your competitor has used a certain word, but you haven’t mentioned it in your content even once.

Overall, these colors will help you identify and fill the word gaps in your content.

Note: Avoid stuffing your content with keywords or excessive words, as it can negatively impact the quality of your content.

Next, let’s discuss the competitor section.

example: what is about competitor section on

In the competitor section, analyzes and shows you the top 20 competitors for your target keyword.

This feature displays the percentage of optimized content from your competitors.

Next up is about Heatmap option in

example: what is about heatmap section in

This heatmap will show you the overall words used by your competitors.

Here, you can analyze the words used by competitors and identify which words are missing from your content.

All this information is shown in the heatmap, serving as an overall checker.

example: what is about heatmap section in

Lastly, based on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page), it arranges and displays the competitors.

This includes who is ranked first for the target keyword, and it will show the top 22 competitors from the SERP.

I hope you understand the concept of content optimization in very well.

The next topic is…

AI Tools In

In the dashboard, look to the left for the ‘AI Tools’ option. As the picture below indicates, click on it to view the tools.

example: AI tools option showing with image

There are 36 AI tools on, which is quite shocking, right?

But it’s true. I will list the names of these 36 AI tools and explain what each tool can do for you.

No Frase AI Tools Explanation
1AI writer with web knowledgeSimply insert a URL with content you find inspiring, and it will generate similar content for your own use
2Article WriterInput your title, and it will quickly generate a draft article for you
3Attention interest desired action(AIDA)Simply insert a URL with content you find inspiring, and it will generate similar content for your use
4Blog IntroductionInsert your title, and it will generate an introduction for your blog.
5Blog Title IdeasInsert your target keyword, and it will generate 10 title ideas for your blog
6Bullet Point AnswersIf you insert questions, it will generate answers in a bulleted format
7CommandsType a command specifying what you need, and it will write the content for you.
8DefinitionInsert a paragraph, and it will rewrite your paragraph based on your needed tone
9Explain WhyWill Provide an answer to your question with a focus on the ‘Why’
10Feature – BenefitType a product or service description, and it will transform the features of your product or service into a list of benefits
11Featured Snippet(Numbered List)Generate a list of steps that explain how to do something
12How-To Blog PostInsert a topic; it will generate 5 or more related questions for your topic
13Instagram CaptionInsert a long paragraph; it will give a shorter summary
14List Of QuestionsInsert your title and keyword; it will generate 3 or more meta descriptions for your blog
15Listicle GeneratorWill generate a set of headings and paragraphs for your listicle title
16Listicle Title IdeasWill generate title ideas for your listicle articles
17Meta DescriptionInsert your title and keyword, it will generate 3 or more meta descriptions for your blog
18Metaphor/AnalogyIt will write an analogy about your topic
19OutlineIt will generate an outline based on your blog topic
20Paragraph AnswerAsk a question, and you will receive an answer in the form of a detailed paragraph
21Paragraph CompressionnInsert a long paragraph, it will give a shorter summary
22Paragraph GeneratorJust provide a topic, and it will generate a long, detailed paragraph as an answer for you
23Frase io Paragraph RewriterInsert a paragraph, and it will rewrite your paragraph based on your needed tone
24Problem, Agitate, Solution(PAS)Inserting a product description can assist you in generating a PAS copywriting formula
25Product DescriptionInsert your product name and keyword, it will generate your product description and list of features
26Pros and ConsProvide your topic, and AI will generate a list of advantages and disadvantages for your chosen title
27Quora AnswerInsert a question and get a few paragraphs-long answer, ideal as inspiration for a Quora answer
28Semantic TopicsInput text and get a list of semantically related topics for a given text
29Sentence RewriterInsert a paragraph and it will rewrite your paragraph based on your needed tone
30Short AnswerProvide a question and get a quick short answer for your question
31Slogan GeneratorIf you insert the product description, it will generate brand adjectives, ethos, and slogans. 
32Summary BulletsJust input the title and article, and then it will generate bullet points summarizing the main points of a passage or short article
33TaglinesInsert a topic and get a tagline about a given topic
34Talk TracksIf you insert a topic, it will generate various perspectives about a given topic
35Value PropositionInsert the brand name and the problem you want to solve, then it will generate a statement that summarizes how your product uniquely solves a problem for the customer
36Youtube Video IdeasInsert the input and get ideas for your YouTube videos

I provided you with simple explanations for each tool, so I guess you now have some knowledge about these AI tools.

The key feature is that these Frase AI tools can generate content and rewrite the paragraph in under 5 seconds, which is quite impressive.

However, it’s essential to note that their accuracy may not be 100%

In addition to the quick content generation, you can choose your preferred languages for each AI tool.

image 56

Moreover, you can fine-tune the creativity level on a scale of 1 to 5 for each tool.

Next up is about…

Frase SEO Tools

In the dashboard, look to the left for the ‘SEO Tools’ option. As the picture below indicates, click on it to view the tools.

example: SEO tools option showing with image

There are five SEO tools in I will explain each one for your clear understanding.

So, the first tool is…

1. GSC Content Analytics

I already mentioned that is known as an AI tool for content optimization and creation, specifically designed for SEO.

example: SEO tool in, the tool name is GSC Content Analytics

As I mentioned in the above picture, this tool will integrate with Google Search Console(GSC) to identify your blog’s content weaknesses and opportunities in your website.

2. Outline Builder

In the outline builder, you can generate an outline for your blog by first inserting your seed keyword and selecting the region.

I will show you how it works. For instance, I typed ‘ review’ and selected the region.

Example: Outline builder in frase,io..serach bar of outline builder

Step 1: It will suggest a Keyword for your seed keyword

Example: Outline builder in frase,io. example of first step to do in this tool

Step 2: Once you select a keyword, it will generate a list of related questions asked on Google and Quora.

Example: Outline builder in frase,io. example of  seconed step to do in this tool

Choose the generated questions that best suit your needs.

Step 3: Transfer your outline to a document by clicking ‘Create Document.’

Example: Outline builder in frase,io. example of third step to do in this tool

This is all about the Outline Builder tool. It’s quite easy to use, right?

Cool… The next tool is…

3. Wikipedia Concept Map

This tool is used to research topics on the Wikipedia Concept Map, and it helps generate a list of semantically related keywords.

For instance, I typed ‘digital marketing’ in the search bar.

Example: wikipedia concept map in frase,io.

Then it will display a list of topics related to your input.

You can explore any topic that suits your needs.

Example: wikipedia concept map in frase,io.  list of concept

For instance, I selected social media marketing.

Example: wikipedia concept map in frase,io.  what I choosed in list

Eventually, the results will be presented as a concept map for your related topic, as shown in the picture below.

Example: wikipedia concept map in frase,io.  result of concept map

The concept map’s right side displays topics’ details, which can be viewed by clicking on them.

Example: wikipedia concept map in frase,io.

Turn a Wikipedia topic into a visual concept map connecting related topics.

4. Topic Planner(Beta)

The topic planner helps to generate long-tail keywords through SERP(Search Engine Result Page) analysis.

What will you get through this tool? follow the steps to know more.

Step 1: Topics from top 20 search results (SERP)

Select or input a search query to analyze the top 20 results and extract the most relevant topics.

Step 2: Sub-Topics for selected Topic

Select a topic from the SERP to generate a list of related long-tail keywords.

Step 3: Content Plan

Select sub-topics as part of your content plan. Each sub-topic will become a Frase document.

Step 4: Click on ‘Create Document’ to generate your long-tail keywords.

These are the benefits you get from using this topic planner (Beta tool).

5. Article Rewriter

This tool can rewrite an article from a given link, or you can copy and paste content directly into it.

Here, you can adjust the creativity level of the rewritten content. (levels: 1 to 5)

I will show you an example.

I imported one of my blog’s URLs called AI SEO, as shown in the picture below.

Article rewriter seo tool in

Then, I clicked ‘Import URL.’ After that, the content was rewritten.

I have marked the rewritten words, as shown in the picture below.

Article rewriter seo tool in example of rewritten contents

Additionally, you can edit sentences independently, which is made easy because each sentence is provided in separate blocks.

You can preview your article in the right-hand corner before saving it to the document.

Article rewriter seo tool in example of full preview option.

This article rewriter tool is effective for rewriting articles, although it could benefit from further improvements in the content rewriting process. NLP Is Evolving In SEO Content

I know some of you have questions about what NLP means.

So here is the answer…

NLP, or Natural Language Processing, plays a crucial role in SEO, aiding our content in achieving higher rankings on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

To do so, you need to optimize your content with NLP.

In, the content optimization is run through this NLP. This platform utilizes the latest models in NLP.

SEO, AI, and NLP work together in this digital era and continually evolve to make greater advancements.

In, they are using NLP for content optimization.

Note: Keywords are crucial in SEO.

About Frase 2.0 Beta Version

Frase 2.0 is the advanced version of Frase and with upgraded AI-powered SEO content creation and optimization tools.

This tool is designed for content creators, marketers, and bloggers to outline their content workflow using Google Search engine result pages(SERPs).

It will analyze the top 10 SERP blogs and give suggestions to optimize the content.

It has one cool feature called ‘AI Article Wizard.’ It will help generate SEO content with ChatGPT-4 and analyze the SERPs to provide the correct information.

Also, you will research topics of your top competitors in SERPs for the specific keyword you’re targeting.

What I like most is that AI will generate the sub-headings by analyzing the competitors.

I will show you how.

Enter the Keyword that you’re targeting to write. For instance, I typed ‘AI tools for Digital Marketing.‘ and clicked ‘create document.’

Frase 2.0, insert the keyword or search query and click create document.

You will get the page below. Click the ‘start’ button. It will start researching the top 10 competitors for the entered search query.

Click the start button to start the research

See, it provides me with 18 results, with

it gives me around top 18 competitors form SERPs

the headings that your competitors have written about. You want to pick the topics manually or generate them automatically with the help of AI.

It provides the topics, that competitor written about the search query that I inserted

For that, click on the outline in the right-hand corner and click ‘Generate headings with AI‘, and it will start to generate topics.

go to the outline page and click in generate headings with AI option to generate your headings automatically

See in the below video, it gives me 18 topics with AI tools name.

It gives me 18 topics for the content with the help of AI

That’s, your blog outline draft will generate from here with the helps of AI in 2 minutes.

Work smart, not harder.

Pros&Cons of

Let’s look into the pros and cons of from user experience.


  • AI-powered content optimization and research.
  • It has AI content writing.
  • Optimize SEO with topic clustering.
  • Question research & answer generation.
  • It will help to analyze SERP and competitor analysis.
  • You can integrate with CMS and a few tools.
  • You can re-write content and summarize with the help of AI in Frase.
  • It will show SEO content scoring and help you optimize.


  • Like other AI tools, it lacks in-depth information.
  • It is a little uneasy for beginners.
  • It has limited AI credits in the basic plan.
  • Like other AI tools, sometimes it repeats the exact phrase many times. Pricing

The monthly and annual pricing plans are mentioned in the picture below. offers a 5-day free trial for only $1, and you can cancel it anytime. plans and pricings

This tool is also somewhat affordable for beginners.

In the picture below, I have mentioned a few features available with every plan. features, which are available for every plans

The Bottom Line: My Review

I have been using for two years. It is one of the best AI tools for SEO, generating content, and optimizing existing content.

I have already mentioned that 36 AI tools and 5 SEO tools are available in this tool.

However, AI-generated content is not 100% accurate, even though it is time-saving and gives us an idea.

This tool is somewhat affordable for bloggers, digital marketers, and everyone who writes content for SEO, in my opinion.

I’m very satisfied with and the features it provides.


In conclusion, the tool is very useful for content creation and optimization.

I hope this explanation has helped you understand the tool well. It is particularly beneficial for SEO content writers.

Do you use any AI content optimization tools?

If so, please let me know in the comment section below.

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