Researchers suggest that most of the organization which are not using cloud-based services will soon be taking a leap. Entry of IT giants like Microsoft, Google, Amazon etc., has a great part in such growth of cloud computing. But security issues concerning cloud computing still persists. The basic questions which arises when talking about cloud computing are
Who owns the data?What happens when one need to transfer the data?What happens if security breach occurs?
Having said that, one thing we all should have in mind is the fact that “hacking has been there since computer network began and hacking was not something created by cloud- by dell Ireland manager”. In every system hacking happens. A major threat with cloud computing is that data is taken outside the traditional parameters of the office. A well formed security architecture will reduce the skepticism about cloud computing.
Top threats for cloud computing as stated by are as follows
1. Abuse and nefarious use of cloud computing
2. Insecure interface and API’s
3. Malicious insiders
4. Shared technology issues
5. Data loss and leakage
6. Account or service hijacking
7. Unknown risk profile