In this blog, we are going to look at how we can create Cluster Role objects and how we can attach them to a Cluster Role Binding object.
If you don’t know which object is Cluster scoped or which one is Namespace scoped, use the following command to list them.
kubectl api-resources
In this list, if NAMESPCED
is true then it is Namespace scoped, if false, those are cluster scoped.
Step 1: Create a Service Account
We need to create a Service to attach the Cluster Role.
cat << EOF > pv-list-serviceaccount.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: pv-list-service-account
kubectl apply -f pv-list-serviceaccount.yaml
Step 2: Create a Cluster Role
Cluster Role is almost the same as Role object, here also under the rules section, we provide API groups, Resources as well as verbs which is permission.
cat << EOF > pv-list-clusterrole.yaml
kind: ClusterRole
name: pv-lister
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["persistentvolumes"]
verbs: ["list"]
In this manifest, we are providing permission to only list the Persistent Volumes on the cluster and PVs are cluster-scoped objects.
kubectl apply -f pv-list-clusterrole.yaml
Step 3: Create a Cluster Role Binding
Now, we need to create a Cluster Role Binding object to link the Service Account with the Cluster Role.
cat << EOF > pv-list-clusterrolebinding.yaml
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: pv-list-clusterrole-binding
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: pv-list-service-account
namespace: default
kind: ClusterRole
name: pv-lister
kubectl apply -f pv-list-clusterrolebinding.yaml
We can test that the permissions are properly assigned to the Service Account. For that first, we can try to get the list of Persistent Volumes on the cluster.
kubectl get pv --as=system:serviceaccount:default:pv-list-service-account
The permission is properly working, the Service Account can able to list the Persistent Volumes.
We haven’t given permission to access any other Cluster scoped objects so let’s check that too.
kubectl get nodes --as=system:serviceaccount:default:pv-list-service-accou
Here, we are facing an error and the error indicates that the Service Account doesn’t have permission to do this operation.
Role Based Access Control is one of the command Authorization mechanisms on Kubernetes and knowing about the creation of this configuration will help you to do your day-to-day tasks on Kubernetes as well as help for your certification exam preparation.