There are about 150 NoSQL databases out there in the market. Let us have a look at some of the major NoSQL databases.
Columnar databases are almost like tabular databases. The difference is that the data are stored and retrieved columnwise unlike traditional RDBMS.
Apache Cassandra: Casandra comes under column family. This database is designed to process the data which are spread across different servers without a single point failure. It is used by many companies such as digg, Cisco , eBay etc,.
Other Column Type No-SQL Databases: Hbase, Amazon SimpleDB, Hypertable, Cloudera etc,.
Document based databases use XML, Json , Bson etc,. Formats to store and process data.
Mongo DB: It is a document oriented database developed by 10gen. It uses JSON style documents. Check out MongoDB tutorials here. MongoDB Tutorials
Advantages of MongoDB:
- Highly scalable
- High availability and replication
- Good index support and supports map reduce.
Neo4j:Neo4j is agile and a fast database. It is structured in graph and implemented in Java. It is highly scalable and works well in distributed environments.
Other Graph Type Databases: FlockDB, GraphBase, BigData, InfoGrid etc,.
There are seeveral other NoSQL databases which are agile and used by several startups and other big organizations. You can find more details about the NoSQL database at