[50% Off] Bluehost Promo Code

[Verified] Bluehost Promo Code

Bluehost Promo Codes & Current Offers

The present offer that will seal the deal is the price for web hosting per month has slashed to $2.95 per month. And there are other offers going on other plans as well. Even the price of VPS Hosting has come down to a minimum of $19.99 per month and $79.99 per month for Dedicated Hosting.

Bluehost gives its first times users a wonderful promotional offer of 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. This offer, however, does not extend to domain names, which one’s chosen, is always yours.

Get 50% Off On Bluehost Webhosting Plans

Bluehost Code – Save 50% On Shared Hosting Annual SubscriptionDirect Offer
Bluehost Promo: Save $29 on Platinum SubscriptionDirect Offer
Bluehost Discount Code: Save $19 on Standard PlansDirect Offer
Managed WordPress Hosting:

Free Trial Program

A 30-days free trial is offered to every interested user. After the completion of the free trial period, your account will be renewed automatically.

How can I get a discount on Bluehost?

You will get a guaranteed discount if you are first time customer to Bluehost. You will get a 50% discount on its hosting plans.

What is the best Bluehost Coupon code for 2020?

The best Bluehost discount coupon for 2020 will be given during Black Friday & Cyber Monday deals. If you want a maximum discount on Bluehost, you should wait for Black Friday.

Is WordPress free on Bluehost?

When you subscribe to a hosting plan, you will get the WordPress management for free. Here are the things you will get for free.

  1. FREE Domain Name for 1st Year
  2. FREE SSL Certificate Included
  3. 1-Click WordPress Install
  4. 24/7 Support

About Bluehost Webhosting

The particular role of Bluehost is to provide web hosting solutions to users across the globe. Founded in 2003, it has grown into an organization boasting of 750+ skilled employees working tirelessly to provide support and services to over 2 million users.

Irrespective of age or skill, Bluehost can help provide hosting solutions to all, having integrated tools that suites an individual user. Easy for the first-timers, time-saving for the pro, the provided tools and features are custom made.


  1. Bluehost hosts an array of add-on products that can only enhance a user’s experience.
  2. Our efficient experts are available 24×7 to provide any support to any user throughout the world.
  3. Bluehost has been built on Open Source with experts able to handle up to 80 open-source platforms making it a highly secure choice.

Bluehost Pricing Model

With the aim of delivering a more efficient experience, the Pro pack has been designed in such a way that it entails 80% less traffic owing to the higher utilization of various resources such as disk space and bandwidth.

Plans on offer:

$ 2.95$4.95$5.45$13.95

*monthly expense

These basic models are interspersed with variously suitable add-ons such as dedicated IP, SiteLock, SEO Tools, Expired Accounts Reactivation, Privacy, CodeGuard Basic and so much more. And this can be easily availed by payment of some remuneration.

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